Exchange, Travels

Xi’an: Day 4 & 5 | 西安:第四五天

5月27日 -5月28日

I want to say, we enjoyed ourselves the most these last 2 full days in Xi’an. Mainly because all we did was eat and shop – and those are 2 things I love the most. We spent the last 2 days in Xi’an walking around the Muslim Street/Bell Tower area where there were a lot of shops and food and it was great.

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Bell/Clock Tower (I don’t know which one)

We started off the day with brunch, because we both get up at terrible times when we have nothing too extravagant planned.

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Cute restaurant!!

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Cold noodle 凉粉

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Bell/Clock Tower (I don’t know which one)

Then walking around Muslim Street, we found this store that apparently had the best biangbiang面 which is a wide flat noodle and is one of the most popular dishes in Xi’an. Fun fact: the character ‘biang’ is also the most complicated character in Chinese – so complicated…you can’t even type it :      )

It tasted really good though.

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Muslim Street Market 回民街 – the first 2 character in the white sign is ‘biang’

We also stumbled upon this Qing Dynasty Mansion/Museum while wandering around Muslim Street and it was pretty cool.

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Qing Dynasty Mansion/Museum

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Qing Dynasty Mansion/Museum

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Qing Dynasty Mansion/Museum

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Muslim Street Market 回民街

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SK-II promotion area again so pretty *__*

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View from the 广场

Overall, I do recommend Xi’an for those who haven’t been but I’m not sure if I would go back again. If I do though, it would definitely be during Winter or around March/April otherwise the heat would make me want to cry again.

I think my favourite place overall is Tang Paradise and I think I would like to go back there again. A bit sad I didn’t get to appreciate the Terracotta Warriors as much as I’d like to but hey, what can you do. We also didn’t get to climb Hua Shan so maybe I’ll have to do that sometime in the future? ^^

Until my next travels (Korea, Japan, Taiwan & Hong Kong – SO EXCITED), this will be the end.
